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Eduardo Arroyo

Madrid (Spain), 1937-2018

Eduardo Arroyo (1937-2018) was primarily a versatile artist. While painting was his main pursuit, he excelled in various other disciplines such as engraving, sculpture, literature, scenography, and illustration. At the age of 21, after studying journalism, Arroyo went into exile in Paris with the intention of becoming a writer. However, he quickly shifted his focus and decided to pursue painting instead. He maintained connections with groups of Spanish exiles, as well as with French painters and writers. He was a part of the New Figuration movement and soon exhibited in museums across France and Italy.

In 1976, following Franco’s death, he returned to Spain, and from that point onward, his work started to gain prominence in our country, establishing him as one of the most significant contemporary artists. Arroyo tirelessly continued his creative endeavors until the end of his life, leaving behind a body of work imbued with humor and irony. This body of work stands as a testament to his non-conformist and critical stance, as well as his unwavering commitment to championing creative freedom.

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